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Make your purchase safely. Reysan Atlantic ® secure site verified by the multinational hosting and security cerfiticados godaddy.

In Reysan Atlantic ® we take security very seriously. Proof of this is the extensive security certificate (EV SSL) we have installed in our server.
To check the authenticity of the certificate, simply click on the attached image, or click on the left side of your browser's address bar, where it leaves the corporate name of Reysan Atlantic ® and padlock green.

What is an SSL certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It may sound complex, but it really is not. SSL certificates validate the identity of the website and encrypt the information you send or receive it. This prevents malicious users from spying any exchange between you and our store.

With the protection of a SSL certificate, you can be sure that the information entered on any page is private and that no one can access it.


How does an SSL certificate work?

An SSL certificate ensures easy and convenient online shopping. Once an Internet user enters a secure area, for example, by entering credit card information, email address or other personal data Site SSL certificate allows the browser and the Web server, build a secure, encrypted connection.

The SSL process known as "handshake" ("handshake" in English), which establishes the secure session, takes place discreetly without disrupting the consumer buying process. An icon "lock" in the status bar of the browser and "https: //" prefix in the URL are the only visible indications of a secure session.

Conversely, if a user tries to submit personal information to an unsecured site (ie, a site that is not protected with a valid SSL Certificate), the browser built into the mechanism of active safety warn the user, reminding him / her that the site is not secure and that sensitive data may be intercepted by third parties. Given this warning, most Internet users are likely to look elsewhere to make a purchase.

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