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Do not miss our face masks section with all the models and sizes. You will be able to find any respiratory protection mask you need, hygiene masks, disposable masks, 3M masks , etc. We also have self-contained breathing equipment. If you do not find what you need, please contact us, surely we can provide them.


Respiratory protective masks


Respiratory protective masks are intended to protect people from inhaling all kinds of viruses, bacteria and chemical agents into their bodies.


Types of respiratory protective mask


There are different types of respirators depending on their use. It must be taken into account that not all of them protect against the same agents and using the wrong mask can have fatal consequences. Therefore, we can differentiate between respiratory protection masks:

  • Gas and vapour masks.
  • Full face mask. Welder's mask.
  • Self-filtering masks.
  • Half masks.
  • Surgical masks.
  • EPI masks.


What to take into account when putting on protective masks?


As we have seen, there are different types of respiratory masks, each one different according to the type of use we give it and each circumstance. But whatever type of mask you need, you should bear in mind the following:

  • Before handling the mask, we must wash our hands.
  • We can disinfect it with a hydroalcoholic solution.
  • Hold the mask only by the rubber band so as not to handle it.
  • When we finish using it, after taking it off, we must wash our hands again.
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