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October 19: world day against breast cancer

From Reysan, we want to show solidarity and become part of this campaign by donating 3% of today's sales for breast cancer research.

October 19: world day against breast cancer

With the aim of raising awareness among women around the world about the importance of having a breast exam regularly, we celebrate as every October 19, the International Day to fight Breast Cancer Mom.

Being a disease that affects 1 in 8 women, it is essential to promote that more and more women can access diagnoses, controls and effective treatments in order to detect any sign or anomaly. Because early detection of breast cancer increases the chances of cure by 100%.

For this reason, at Reysan we want to be part of this campaign and donate 3% of the sales made during the today, to research to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat this disease.

Breast cancer in numbers

According to the latest data collected by the European Cancer Information System (ECIS):

  • It is the most diagnosed type of cancer in women with around 34,000 cases per year in Spain.
  • In Spain, approximately 30% of cancers diagnosed in women originate in the mom.
  • Every 30 seconds somewhere in the world a breast cancer is diagnosed (28.9% of all new cases detected in women).
  • The probability of cure is almost 100% if detected in the early stages.
  • In 2021, 6,572 women died from breast cancer.
  • This type of tumor usually appears between the ages of 35 and 80, although the range with the highest incidence is that of 45-65.

How to detect breast cancer?

Currently, breast cancer can be diagnosed in its early stages without the need to have had symptoms.

  • Mammography is the most effective method for early detection of breast cancer. In fact, you can detect 90% of tumors even two years before they are observable.
  • Physical examination should be considered as a complementary method because it may detect less 50% of injuries.
  • The presence of a palpable lump in the breast is the most frequent sign, although it can also be observe retractions in the nipples or changes in the skin of the breast.

For these reasons, it is essential to attend gynecological examinations and participate in screening programs including mammograms.

Finally, we want to launch a message of support and with great force for those women who suffer from this disease so that they do not give up, do not lose the illusion, nor the desire to live.

And for people who have never had it, emphasize the importance of cancer prevention through regular checks. Because as we have said, the probability of being cured of breast cancer is almost 100% if caught early.

From Reysan we want to join the pink.


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